Tuesday, February 8, 2011

For the Love of Customer Service

I had to call the phone company to question some fees on our latest bill. I was dreading this call. I fully expected to be on the line for the better part of an hour, crawling through endless phone trees and finally talking to some unhelpful and cranky person.

Thankfully, this was not the case. The Sprint phone system was fairly easy to navigate, and the woman on the other end of the line was not only professional and helpful, but was friendly, and - given the circumstances - was even a joy to talk to. The problem was solved, the bill fixed and best of all, the representative did not have to "talk to her supervisor."

Sometimes it seems that in business we forget that no matter how good our products are, or how efficiently we run our businesses, it is the people who are in direct contact with customers who can make or break loyal fans.

Isn't it sad that good customer service is the exception and not the rule?

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