Monday, February 7, 2011

Day After Ad Bowl Thoughts

Confession: I missed the big game. I do not have cable service, and did not leave the house. Hulu is just so much cheaper, I can watch it through my PS3, and really don't mind catching up on shows a day or two after the original air date. (Case in point, while others were watching the football game that NFL won't allow anyone to say, I was getting caught up on SNL.)

But I digress. More important than missing the game, I missed the commercials. So, in order to see all these fantastic (?) spots about which everyone is talking, I've got to find them on the interwebs. And, since many people have already done the work I've not had to look too far. Here, we have a collection of all of the commercials, and for the film buffs among us, IGN has put together a collection of all the movie trailers that aired during the game.

I will only say one thing; that I am surprised that Volkswagon chose to release their brilliant spot days before the big game. Seems like a careless thing to do with such an expensive ad buy, but then again, the fact that it has over 16,000,000 on YouTube shows that perhaps it wasn't that careless at all.

On a side note, should I regret not having seen the half-time show?

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