Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Month?

Captain's Log: Stardate 04390.00

I had this thought that during the month of February, I would write a blog a day, seeing as I have three weblogs that have not seen much use of late. However -- due to circumstances such as ongoing car troubles, the threat of frozen water pipes and of course good things such as freelance projects -- I have not taken the time to sit down and write.

But no more excuses. Here I am. And I have a couple of drafts in the can*, so stay tuned. Same Bat time, same Bat channel.

*with or without campy television references.

~ r

Note: depending on the subject matter discussed, daily blogs may be posted on any of my 3 blog sites here or at or

1 comment:

  1. Disclosure: Being that I am in the Advertising industry, I will be running an experiment of sorts. Occasionally, you will find links to for products that I feel are appropriate to the topic being discussed.
