Friday, February 4, 2011

Camel SNUS Advertising FAIL!

As a former smoker -- now over 1-1/2 years without a cigarette -- I know how hard it is to stop. I still have momentary cravings. And, while I vowed to never become one of those judgmental, preachy former smokers, I do feel the need to call shenanigans on RJ Reynolds.

So, Camel is trying to get you to stop smoking in 2011. Great, right? WRONG! This ad seems to be selling not smokeless tobacco in little white packages, but rather appears to imply that the little metallic can of tobacco is some sort of aid for quit smoking.

Now to be fair, the ad copy DOES offer SNUS as an alternative to smoking, but that does not change my first impression. And I have got to imagine I'm not the only person out there who misread the marketing message.

What do you think? Clever headline or advertising fail?

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